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Our ambassadors: Yoran & Freddy De Waegeneer - Exclusive Majorputters

Daflor 3 in 1 Mix is a broad-spectrum supplement for pigeons and birds to support general health with the aim of minimizing the use of medicines. At the same time it also strengthens the immune system, stimulates appetite, increases performance and ensures optimal intestinal health. The Mix has been on the market for a number of years now with a large number of satisfied customers from all over Europe to America, Canada, ... Due to new scientific studies, natural health supporting products are becoming increasingly effective and of course we at Bio-health do follow the new market evolutions. We have therefore decided to slightly change our Daflor 3 in 1 Mix formula, according to the latest scientific studies.

Everyone knows us as Yoran & Freddy De Waegeneer, globally recognized and enthusiastic Major Goldfinch breeders for more than 25 years in almost all mutations. During this period of selection and innovation we have developed a unique and globally recognized bird stock. A few years ago (2022) we met Chris Bossuyt, owner of Bio-health BV and developer of the Daflor products. After much consultation, we are very happy that we were given the confidence to become Ambassadors of Daflor 3 in 1 Mix.

In the spring of 2023, Chris Bossuyt contacted us again to ask if we were interested in testing an improved formula of Daflor 3 in 1 Mix. Due to the already very good results with the existing formula, we were naturally curious about what this adapted formula would give, especially in the Majors, and we therefore naturally accepted the proposal.

Just like any new product must be tested, we have tackled this very thoroughly with our 25 years of experience and we can say without exaggeration that the results ARE REVOLUTIONARY AND NEVER SEEN BEFORE

In short, we can conclude:
After almost 1 year of using the new formula Daflor 3 in 1 Mix, we no longer see mega bacteria, black spot, toxoplasmosis, etc. in our entire bird population. On the contrary, now that the breeding preparation has come to an end (25/1/2024), despite the bad weather conditions (humid, wind, cold) and the aviary doors open day and night (only shielded with windbreak mesh), we see that the canaries and majors are extremely vital. and fit tight, the droppings of our birds are extremely small, solid and homogeneous, which indicates perfect digestion and they have a great appetite, which means they have built up a nice fat reserve. From all these observations we can conclude that our birds are SUPER healthy and have developed strong immunity.

Daflor 3 in 1 Mix is already recommended by several veterinarians specialized in birds. Many bird breeders at home and abroad already use our products.

Because our birds are extremely healthy, vital and full of life, we have a very high fertilization rate. We notice that the young in the nest are very calm and grow up fantastically.

The moulting period is a difficult period for the birds, making them very sensitive to all kinds of conditions. Even during this difficult period, Daflor 3 in 1 Mix provides great support so that they can get through the moult without any problems.

Daily or at least 3 days a week, all year round, all birds 1 - 1.5 ml/L of drinking water. Can be added to drinking water together with all natural products, tea, herbal elixirs, amino acids, vitamins, etc.

Daflor 3 in 1 Mix is a high-quality supplementary animal feed intended for pigeons and birds. Develops in collaboration with international companies specialized in research and development of innovative products to minimize antibiotic use in animals and where intestinal health is crucial. Daflor products are extensively tested in collaboration with specialized veterinarians, pigeon fanciers and bird breeders.


Bio-health bvba streeft ernaar om uw sportduiven en vogels op een 100% natuurlijke manier in een uitstekend gezondheid/conditie te brengen en te houden.
Een sterk ontwikkeld darmslijmvlies en microbioom zijn hiervoor van groot belang. Dit beschermt het organisme en verhindert tegelijkertijd het buitensporig voorkomen van parasieten, virussen, bacteriën. Gezonde darmen maken het mogelijk belangrijke voedingsstoffen op te nemen, het bevorderen van de vitaliteit en het ontwikkelen van een sterke immuniteit.

Bio-health bvba s'efforce de maintenir vos pigeons sportifs et vos oiseaux en excellente santé / condition de manière 100% naturelle.
Un épithélium intestinal fortement développé et un microbiome sont très importants à cet égard. Cela protège l'organisme tout en empêchant en même temps l'occurrence excessive de parasites, virus, bactéries. Des intestins sains permettent l'absorption de nutriments essentiels, favorisent la vitalité et contribuent au développement d'une forte immunité.

Bio-health bvba strives to maintain your racing pigeons and birds in excellent health/condition in a 100% natural way.
A highly developed intestinal mucosa and microbiome are very important for this. It protects the organism while simultaneously preventing the excessive occurrence of parasites, viruses, bacteria. Healthy intestines enable the absorption of essential nutrients, promote vitality, and contribute to the development of strong immunity.

Bio-health bvba bemüht sich, Ihre Renn-Tauben und Vögel auf 100% natürliche Weise in einem ausgezeichneten Gesundheitszustand / Zustand zu halten.
Eine hochentwickelte Darmschleimhaut und Mikrobiom sind dafür sehr wichtig. Dies schützt den Organismus und verhindert gleichzeitig das übermäßige Auftreten von Parasiten, Viren, Bakterien. Gesunde Därme ermöglichen die Aufnahme wichtiger Nährstoffe, fördern die Vitalität und tragen zur Entwicklung einer starken Immunität bei.